Quantitative Approaches to Versification

Petr Plecháč (ed.), Barry P. Scherr (ed.), Tatyana Skulacheva (ed.), Helena Bermúdez-Sabel (ed.), Robert Kolár (ed.)

This volume presents a wide range of quantitative approaches to versification.

It comprises various methodological perspectives ranging from simple descriptive statistics to advanced machine learning methods (such as support vector machines, random forests or neural networks) as well as material covering a large span of time and languages: from very ancient versifications (Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittie; Ancient Greek), through medieval (Old English, Old Icelandic, Old Saxon) and Renaissance verse to modern experiments (free verse, concrete poetry); from English and Russian through Spanish and German to Portuguese and Catalan. Not only written, but also spoken poetry has been analyzed.

Editors Petr Plecháč,
Barry P. Scherr,
Tatyana Skulacheva,
Helena Bermúdez-Sabel,
Robert Kolár
Title Quantitative Approaches to Versification
Publisher Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR
Year of publication 2019
Page count 279
ISBN 978-80-88069-83-6